This is not the bio for sports writer David Moore we think he’s pretty cool. This is an unofficial bio for David Moore a managing partner at Knightvest Management LLC. This bio is written by those who are sick of the way Knightvest conducts business. Abusing tenants, deceiving investors and continuing relationships with vendors & employees only when they tow the company line isn’t a way to do business.
David Moore is a man who loves to hide behind the perception of law even when he and Knightvest are in the wrong. When Knightvest was sued for racial profiling and violating the federal Fair Housing Act David was quick to point out that everyone was doing it. He’s like a teenager with cocaine; if everyone in TAA is doing it it must be cool right? No, it’s not cool David, and for the record section 21 & 26 of the TAA lease are laughable; No matter how many members the Texas Apartment Association has.
As a managing partner of Knightvest David Moore loves pointing out the figure ‘$800,000,000 in assets’. It’s odd his Baylor MBA never taught him “it’s not an asset if it can’t readily be sold.” No one whats to by apartments that have been this poorly renovated at Knightvest’s claimed value per square foot. Any resident can tell you the renovations have cut corners. Most investors and buyers always want all units to be up to the states property code. Since according to S&P Global Market Intelligence in 2015 Knightvest made about $15,000,000 in revenue. Wow, that’s underwhelming for a company with this many employees. That revenue number explains why many speculate Knightvest focuses on secondary and tertiary revenue streams like working with cut-rate tow companies to needlessly tow cars or splitting profits or claiming that residents who move out caused enough damage to renovate the apartment unit completely.
Knightvest’s entire yearly marketing budget should logically be spent on reputation management because sites like this are going to start showing up to warn the public about this company. Does Knightvest seem like a solid investment by the numbers?